Perhaps a better question might be, “what don’t I do?” I’ll get to that soon. Really, I can take care of anything outside of the building walls on your property.

There is a lot I can do, so I like to break it down into three categories (hey, I’m an engineer, it’s how I think). I can do design work (aka traditional engineering), project management, and site planning.

Design consists of everything from project conception to construction to implementation, yet some of my clients come to me only for conceptualization. Conceptualization can involve planning, life cycle analysis, a combination of the two, and everything that exists in between. I can also oversee the build-out of the design to ensure the project is completed.

Project management allows me to use my team-building experience. I can perform project administration, build a team, or set them up for future successes using chemistry or shared work values.

Finally, site planning involves some of the knowledge I’ve gained in my years of minimizing client risk. This includes project analysis, permitting, quality assurance, facility optimization, and layout planning, in addition to sustainability and RIO maximization. Essentially, I can make sure your paperwork is in place so your project can be realized.

I’ll expand on the definition of a civil engineer in another post, or simply shoot me a message, and let’s see if I can help you maximize your project’s value!